A step by step approach makes digital accessibility reachable - Eric Velleman Eric Velleman
Governments would like to offer their websites and apps accessible, but for many people, practice has proved to be unruly. What makes implementation so complex? Eric Velleman researched which factors play a role. Knowledge of these factors leads to awareness and tools for a better implementation of digital accessibility.
making-digital-accessibility-reachable-for-organizations-ncdt-2019.pdf (6,4 MB)
No yes/no discussion, but gradual growth
We are all familiar with the discussion 'Is your website accessible or not?'. Eric shows in his PhD that another approach is more successful, namely an approach in which the organisation implements accessibility step by step. Then it is no longer a 'yes-no' discussion, no longer normative. But objectively and positively: a step-by-step growth towards better accessibility.
Eric has come up with a number of success factors in his research:
- Developing awareness and knowledge in the organisation
- Ensure the involvement of (top) management
- Adjust the organizational structure
- Monitor and report
- Invest in optimal digital applications
About Eric Velleman
Eric Velleman (1960) works as scientific director at the Accessibility Foundation and as an innovator at Bartiméus. In 2018 he obtained his PhD thesis 'The implementation of web accessibility standards by Dutch municipalities' (pdf, 5,3 MB).